Pérez Esquivel to Griesa: it is just not to pay an illegitimate and immoral debt
Mr. Thomas Griesa Judge of the United States District Court Southern District of New York, USA Receive my fraternal greetings of Peace and Goodwill. Rather than address you as the judge involved in a case that has for some time been holding the people of Argentina in suspense, I want to address you as a person. I would like to contribute more openly to the reflection on the situation that has arisen in our country, as a result of the pretensions of a small group of financiers who hold a few bonds of the foreign debt claimed of Argentina. They seek to collect 100% of their face value, in a way that will have a serious impact on the lives of our people, having purchased them for pennies and without ever having invested in our well-being. I hope, Mr. Griesa, that you understand the situation of the Argentine people and the social, economic, and political implications of the payment of this immoral and unjust debt for the people and communities most in need. ...