"You are me, I am you" - Declaration and principal agreements of the V Jubilee South Regional Assembly
DECLARATION JUBILEE SOUTH/AMERICAS V REGIONAL ASSEMBLY Guatemala 2019 Tzk' at "You are me, I am you" We, representatives of 18 organizations from 13 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, participated in the V Regional Assembly of Jubilee South/Americas, in Guatemala from April 1 to 4, 2019. Reconnected in the spirit of our grandfathers and grandmothers of the original peoples of Abya Yala, we seek to recover the continuity of the Web of Life that has been fractured by development models that violate our bodies and our mother earth. We remember with deep pain our companions Berta Cáceres, from Honduras; Roli Escobar, from Guatemala; Dina Puente, from El Salvador; Samir Flores and Betty Cariño from Mexico; Sergio Rojas, from Costa Rica and Marielle Franco from Brazil, among many others, murdered for defending human rights, the rights of peoples, their territories and nature. Their memory strengthens us and accompanies us during this gatherin...