Support us with you endorsement!

Join us by signing-on to the following statement, in defense of the rights and sovereignty of the people of Argentina in the face of the debt and vulture actions.  Share the statement with your supporters and contacts. Together we can highlight the consequences for human rights, the rights of peoples and those of nature, of debt and the resignation of national sovereignty included in almost all the debt accrued against South countries, adherence to the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes ICSID, bilateral investment treaties and other investment and trade agreements. 

Organizational endorsements may be sent to:

The real debt is to the rights of the people of Argentina

The retention of the frigate Liberty in Ghana, and the recent New York court decisions ordering the country to pay new, multimillion dollar sums, reveal the persistence of a serious debt problem that continues to condition our present and future. In the most immediate, what is at stake is a new payment equivalent to more than the entire national budget for housing and urban development during the year 2013, to speculative funds that never invested in the people´s welfare nor did they accept to restructure their claims after the economic collapse and suspension of debt payments in 2001.

We denounce as unethical and unscrupulous the actions of so-called vulture funds. We reject as unjust, the decisions of foreign courts, originally imposed under extorsion, that do not take into consideration the fraudulence, illegality, and illegitimacy of the process of Argentine indebtedness, totally unrelated to the interests of the people and carried out behind their backs.

We stress to all who intervene in this matter (national authorities, holders of bonds issued by Argentina, the various judges, governments, financial institutions, and economic interests, national and international public opinion) that this is a systemic issue, and we call for a resolution that takes into consideration the illegitimacy of the debt claimed and the right to sovereignty, leaving behind the conditionalities imposed which included the resignation of sovereignty and placing the rights of persons and of peoples as the uttermost priority.

This situation must be dealt with on the basis of truth and justice, given that the debt claimed by these speculative funds is a crime against humanity that continues today. The bonds are direct descendants of the debt accumulated in Argentina at a cost of 30,000 detained-disappeared, thousands of women and men tortured, killed, exiled, and imprisoned, kidnapped and missing children, to support the civilian-military dictatorship that ruled the country between 1976 and 1983 and force it into the neoliberal straitjacket. That debt was the subject of a federal court ruling in 2000, which established that it was largely the result of fraudulent and arbitrary acts. A federal prosecutor´s opinion requesting its annulment and several court cases covering successor debt are still pending.

The Argentine people have no reason to pay a debt about which they were not consulted nor did they benefit and whose legitimacy and legality has not been proven. Unlawful acts cannot generate lawful consequences nor can they be subsequently validated, irrespective of the institution or mechanism. The Argentine government - and all governments - also have the right and obligation to prioritize human rights above any commercial or financial claim.

Our country must recover its sovereignty and those responsible for having surrendered it, behind the people’s back and whether bowing to pressure from speculators and lenders,  governments, and international institutions or merely wanting to pay or go further into debt, must be tried and punished.

All this can be done if there is political will. The country is trapped by a process of indebtedness and an institutional framework gestated in times of dictatorial repression and neoliberal offensive. This needs to be modified in order to ensure full respect for human rights and the rights of people, as well as to ensure a true NEVER AGAIN.

We therefore demand:

1. Audit the debt in a public, comprehensive, and participatory manner in order to separate the illegitimate from the legitimate debt, beginning with the pretended entitlements of the so-called vulture funds and suspending all payments until its conclusion;

2. Annul the contracts, laws, treaties, and agreements tainted by unconstitutionality, extorsive conditionalities, and other similar grounds, and that establish the resignation of national sovereignty and the waiver of jurisdiction to extra-national courts, including for example, the bonds and adherence to the ICSID.

3. Confront the speculators challenging the fraudulence and illegitimacy of their claims.

4. Prosecute and punish those who illegitimately and unconstitutionally issued bonds, renouncing the country's sovereignty and the rights and heritage of its people, starting with then president, Carlos Saul Menem, the economy minister, Domingo Cavallo, the attorneys of the treasury, participating banks such as Banker´s Trust and J.P. Morgan, and international financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF.
 - Argentina, December, 2012


Action for Biodiversity, Marcos Paz
Permanent Assembly for Human Rights
Permanent Assembly for Human Rights,  La Matanza
Human Rights Association of Cañada de Gómez, Su tribuna Diario de Opinión Revista Pagina Abierta
ATTAC Argentina
Autoconvocatoria: AMERICA VIVA,  Lujan
Argentine Workers´Central CTA
Rajab Theological Center, Buenos Aires
Communication Collective Al DORSO
Colectivo Estamos En ViLo, Vicente López, Pcia. Bs. As
Claretians´Justice and Peace Commission
Historical Memory and Never Again Festivals Organizing Comm., Florida, Pcia. Bs. As.
Call for Nacional and Social Liberation, Trade Union Front: Agrupación Martín Fierro (Varela – Alte. Brown – Matanza – Mar del Plata,y Neuquen ), Agrup.Sindical Tolo Arce-ATE-SENASA, Agrupación “Germán Abdala” – ATE-Min. de Trabajo de la Nación, Agrup Agustín Tosco-Río Segundo-Córdoba, Movimiento de Trabajadores Desocupados Flamarión-Rosario, Democracia Popular-Rosario, Comunidad Campesina de Tratagal-Salta, Biblioteca Popular Fernando Jara-Cipoletti-Río Negro, Unión de Trabajadores de la Provincia de Chubut
Dialogue 2000 – Jubilee SouthArgentina
Ecumenical Space
Lutheran World Federativo, Program on Illegitimate Debt and Ecological Justice
FeTERA  Flores (Federatión of Energy Workers in the Arg. Republic, CTA)
Foro de Pensamiento y Construcción Social (FPyCS)
Social and Policy Research Foundation FISyP
Peace and Justice Service Foundation SERPAJ
IMPA The factory, Cultural Center
Mothers of the Plaza Founders´ Line – Tucumán
Ecumenical Human Rights Movement MEDH
Emancipation Movement
Social Movement of Missions Province, Juan Yahdjián - Misiones
Rebellious Scarves, Ma. Angélica Muniz
South Project
South Project, Block of Nacional Deputies
South Project, Block of Deputies to the Legislatura of the Autonomous City of Bs. As.
Diaguita People, Callachaquí Valleys, Tucumán, Marcos Pastrana
Popular Unity, Block of Nacional Deputies

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Laureate and President, SERPAJ & Dialogue 2000
Alcira Argumedo, Nacional Deputy, Proyecto Sur
Aldo Etchegoyen, Bishop (em.) Evangelical Methodist Church, and vicepres. APDH
Alejandra Noemí Stepin, Physician, CABA
Alejandro Cabrera Britos, General Delegate ATE SENASA, Dilab/ Martínez, CTA
Alejandro Olmos Gaona, Historian
Alfred Lecuna, Public Relations consultant (UNNE), Corrientes
Alfredo Julio Leandro Herms, Photojournalist
Alicia Herbón, Education Secretariat, APDH
Alicia Unzalu y Eduardo Vasco Murúa, IMPA
Ana Alma, Luis Romero y Susana Moreira, National Coordination, SERPAJ-Argentina
Ángel Furlan, Coordinator, Lutheran World Federativo, Program on Illegitimate Debt and Ecological Justice
Antonio Riestra, nacional Deputy, Bloque Unidad Popular
Arturo Blatezky, pastor of the Evangelical Church of the River Plate IERP and coordinator, MEDH.
Aurora Tumanischwili Penelón, Guillermo López, FeTERA Flores 
Beverly Keene, Coordinator, Diálogo 2000 – Jubileo Sur Argentina
Carina Maloberti, Nacional Board – ATE-CTA
Carlos Guanciarrosa, Agrupación Enrique Mosconi, FeTERA en CTA
Carlos Loza, Junta Interna de ATE, AGP (Asociación General De Puertos), CTA
Carlos Segovia, Corriente Militante por los DDHH de Río Negro y Neuquén 
Clara Condenanza, Presidency Federation of University Students, La Plata
Claudio Katz, Economist UBA- CONICET; member of Left Economists EDI
Claudio Lozano, Nacional Deputy Bloque Unidad Popular
Cristina Castello, Poet and journalist
Cristina Ventura, CTA Vicente López
Dr. Alberto Jorge Pinus, Fac. Economics, Member of Platform 2012
Eduardo Espinosa, ATE en CTA, Min. Desarrollo Humano, Provincia Buenos Aires
Eduardo Lucita, Economist and member, EDI
Elena B. Alvarez. Faculty Univ. Nac. de Lujan, Assembly of Neighbors and Organizations for the Environment, Lujan
Elisa Beatriz Carca, National Deputy (MC),
Elizabeth T. Jezierski, teacher, Olivos, pcia. de Bs. As.
Fabian Dulio Rogel, National Deputy, Unión Cívica Radical
Fernando Pino Solanas, National Deputy, Proyecto Sur
Graciela Iturraspe, National Deputy, Bloque Unidad Popular
Gustavo Teres, CTA Rosario
Héctor Carrica, Human Rights Secretary, Nacional Association of State Employees ATE
Héctor Luis Giuliano
Héctor Santarén, Free of the South Movement
Hugo Blasco, Human Rights Secretary, CTA Nacional
Hugo Milito, Rosario
Isaac Rudnik, Director of the Social, Economic and Citizenship Policy Institute (ISEPCI)
Jaime Gabriel Farji, Ex Síndico General Adjunto de la SIGEN
Jorge Cardelli, Nacional Deputy, Proyecto Sur
Jorge Marchini, Prof. Economy UBA, member EDI
José Luis Ronconi, Assistante Secretary, Argentine Judicial Federation
Juan Carlos L. Etchegary, Builder, Rosario, pcia. de Sta. Fe
Juan Cristóbal, poet
Juan Yahdjian, Social Movement of Missions province
Julio Gambina, Social and Policy Research Foundation (FISyP)
Julio Raffo, Deputy, Legislatura of the Autonomous City  of  Bs. As., South Project
Laura Verónica Sterpin, Antropologist, CABA
Lic Graciela Ferrario
Lic. Leonardo Juan Laguna, Psychologist (UBA), Profesor de Psicología (UBA)
Liliana Parada, National Deputy, Bloque Unidad Popular
Manuel Bertoldi, Dario Santillan Popular front
María Bassa, Religious
María Elena Saludas, ATTAC - CADTM Ayna
María Rosa González, Comunicadora Social           
Mario Mazzitelli, Sec. Gen. Partido Socialista Auténtico PSA
Marta Speroni, Militante Internacionalista por los DD. HH.
Miguel Ángel Espeche Gil, Cátedra de Derecho y Deuda Ext. Púb., Fac. Derecho, UBA
Mirta Baravalle, Madre de Plaza de Mayo Línea Fundadora
Noemí Alemany, Corriente Militante por los DDHH de Río Negro y Neuquén 
Nora Cortiñas, Madre de Plaza de Mayo Línea Fundadora
Oscar Ragni, Corriente Militante por los DDHH de Río Negro y Neuquén 
Pablo Bergel, Diputado de la Legislatura de la Ciud. Aut. de Bs. As., Proyecto Sur
Pablo Pimentel, APDH La Matanza
Pastor Lic. Miguel A. Ponsati, Evangelical church of the River Plate IERP, and Secretary of the National Pastoral Directorate, MEDH
Paula Nardini, AMSAFE Rosario
Ricardo Peidró, Assistant Secretary General, CTA Nacional
Roque Barreto, AMSAFE Rosario
Salvador María Lozada, Judge (ret.) de la Nación
Stella Maris Torre, Lic. Cs. Educación, CABA
Susana Cianfagna, AMSAFE Rosario
Víctor De Gennaro, Nacional Deputy, Bloque Unidad Popular
Víctor Mendibil, “Our America” Trade Union Gathering - ESNA-

Regional and global endorsements

Ecological Action - Ecuador
Mexican Alliance for the Self-Determination of Peoples (AMAP) - México
Alternatives Asia, Vinod Raina – India, Asia
Ana Maria Masramon - Bélgica
Antonio Lechado Aranda,  Málagatomalaplaza (15M) andd Civic Front “We are the majority” - Málaga, España
Internacional Association “Educate to Live”
Nacional Association of Transformative Industrialists, Inc. Adán Rivera – México
Babacar Diop Buuba, Professor, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Sénégal
BASE-IS, Guillermo Ortega – Paraguay
Bia´lii, Resarch and Consultancy A.C., member Mexican Coalition on the G20
Both ENDS – Holanda
Center for Professional Training and Promotion Vasco de Quiroga,  María Atilano – México
Centro Martín Luther King – Cuba
Convergente of Popular movements of America COMPA
Green Revolt Collective  – México
National Committee of Energy Studies (CNEE) – México
Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Global Saint Joseph´s Justice and Peace Team
Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, COPINH
Demba Moussa Dembele,  Director, African Forum for Alternatives and Co-coordinator, Africa Jubilee South – Senegal
Ecologist in Action - País Vasco
Eric Toussaint, CADTM international Network– Bélgium
Nacional Front against Debt and Povery FNDP, Solange Koné – Ivory Coast
Igor Calvo, Militante de base del FNRP – Honduras
Third World Ecologists´ Study Institute  - Ecuador
Policy Alternatives for the Southern Cone Institute PACS – Brasil
Jubilee Debt Campaign UK – Gran Bretaña
Jubilee Oregon  - EE.UU.
Jubilee Scotland – Escocia
Jubilee USA Network – EE.UU.
Jubilee South/Américas
Jubilee South/Brazil           
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives – Canadá
Debt in Globalization Observatory ODG - Catalunya, Estado Español
Eyes for Peace , Spanish headquarters
Ongd AFRICANDO de Gran Canaria – España
Tekojoja Popular party, Roberto Colmán, Vicepresidente – Paraguay
Pastorate of Marginalized women - Brazil
Citizen Debt audit. Plataform "We don´t Owe, We won´t Pay! – Spanish State.
Alternative Development Platform – Haití
Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights Platform – Uruguay
Global Platform against War, spanish headquarters           
Interamerican Platform on Human Rights, Democracy and Development, (PIDHDD)
Who Owes Whom? Network – Spanish State
Costa Rican network of local women´s agendas - Costa Rica
Mexican Network of Action against Free Trade (RMALC) – México
Red Por Tí América, Aline Castro, Brasil
Sinti Techan Network, El Salvador
Jubilee South Network, Brasil
Sandra Quintela, economist – Brasil
Union of Salvadoran Ecologists UNES - El Salvador