Call for support for Andalgala: Release detained activists and Stop the mining activity
Eleven members of the El Algarrobo Assembly have been detained in the context of heightened opposition to the Agua Rica mining project which is advancing illegally in the northern Argentine town of Andalgala. They need your support now! Please join your signature here for Andalgalá, before April 21.
Open Letter to the authorities of the province of Catamarca and to the national authorities of Argentina
April 21, 2021
We hereby express our deepest concern for the situation being experienced by the people of Andalgalá, in the Argentine province of Catamarca, as a result of the entry of drilling machines into the Aconquija mountain range, for the purpose of large-scale exploitation of the Agua Rica mining deposit.
From all parts of our America-Abya Yala and the whole world, we adhere to the Open Letter (1) that, under the initial signatures of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and the Mother of Plaza de Mayo-Founders´ Line, Nora Cortiñas, was signed in less than 24 hours by more than 2500 teachers, researchers, environmental and human rights defenders and representatives of social movements and popular organizations from all over Argentina.
The letter states that the recent entry of this drilling machinery has caused confusion and uneasiness, putting on alert the people of Andalgalá and those who have been accompanying their demand against the mega-mining exploitation, led for over a decade by the El Algarrobo Assembly. It is understood that the presence of this machinery is due to the authorization by the Catamarca Ministry of Mining (Res. 310/2020), of the Advanced Exploration Plan presented by the Canadian mining company Yamana Gold and judicially questioned by the local population.
What this authorization has not considered, it is pointed out, is the existence of glaciers inventoried by the Argentine Institute of Nivology, Glaciology and Environmental Sciences (IANIGLA), as well as periglacial environments within the exploration area, violating the provisions of National Law 26,639 of Minimum Parameters for the Preservation of Glaciers and the Periglacial Environment.
The existence of these perennial ice bodies has even been confirmed by the Catamarca Ministry of Mining itself in an inspection carried out within the framework of the Environmental Impact Assessment, as well as by another inspection of the National Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development carried out on March 5 of this year.Regarding the existence of periglacial environments, the provincial Ministry of Mining considered that studies should be carried out for at least two years, notwithstanding which it authorized the exploration, violating the precautionary and preventive principle provided in the General Environmental Law and further confirmed by the March 2016 ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.
This exploration involves drilling and extraction of water from the Minas River, which is part of the Andalgalá River basin, the latter being the one that supplies water to the local population.
In this sense, it should be noted that the authorized exploration implies environmental and social contamination, since it not only affects the water, soil and air -elements on which human beings and all the biodiversity of the area depend- but also affects the cultural identity of Andalgalá by deteriorating the continuity of traditional work, such as the cultivation of fruit trees -especially walnut, quince and grapevines-, the production of canned vegetables, olive oil and sweets, to mention a few, for which a healthy and safe environment is essential. We are faced with a violation of human rights considered in their interdependence and indivisibility: the right to a healthy environment, to life, health, food, water, housing and self-determination, among others, affecting the lives of the present population and future generations.
The Open Letter further adds that on Monday, April 12, the Police of Catamarca violently raided private homes and arrested members of the El Algarrobo Assembly, involving them in the burning of the offices of the Agua Rica mining company in the city of Andalgalá. These persons continue detained illegally, as no charges have yet been pressed, and additional detentions are expected momentarily.
The coincidence between the social protest caused by the presence of machinery on the mountain and these arrests is highly suspicious, even more so if we take into account that the people of Andalgalá, as well as the aforementioned Assembly of neighbors, have been demonstrating every Saturday for 11 years through "Walks for Life" and always in a peaceful manner, even when they have not found institutional response to their complaints. We are very concerned about the political persecution that is taking place, affecting human rights to freedom, personal integrity and free expression of the population within the framework of a democratic system of government.
Based on the above, we demand, together with the El Algarrobo Assembly and the enormous number of Argentine referents and organizations, the immediate release of the people detained, the withdrawal of security forces from the area and the cessation of harassment of those who defend the environment, health and life. Similarly, we join in their demand for the exploratory actions to be stopped as they are not only illegitimate, contrary to what has been expressed for more than 11 years by the people of Andalgalá, but also illegal.
Jubilee South/Américas
Jubileo Sur/Américas
MiningWatch CanadaCanada
Comité por los derechos humanos en América Latina (CDHAL) Canada
Global Forest Coalition
Confederación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Trabajadores Estatales (CLATE)
Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de America Latina Chile - América Latina
Guido De Schrijver België
Africa Europa Faith & Justice Network Belgium
Alejandro Dausá Bolivia
TerraJusta Bolivia
Rede Jubileu Sul Brasil Brasil
Jubileo Sur Américas/Cono Sur Brasil
Instituto Equit - Gênero, Economia e Cidadania Global Brasil
Luís Carlos Moro Brasil
Acción Ecológica Ecuador
DECOIN Defensa y Conservación Ecológica de IntagEcuador
Diana Carolina Albuja Carbonell Ecuador
Union de Afectados por Texaco Ecuador
Alison Vasconez Rodriguez Ecuador
Alberto Acosta - expresidente Asamblea Consrituyente Ecuador
Estefanía Jacome Leon Ecuador
Yaku Pérez, excandidato presidencial Ecuador
Observatorio Minero Ambiental y Social del Norte del Ecuador Ecuador
Kevin Zúñiga - Medio de Comunicación Comunitario La Raíz Ecuador
Linda Carolina Proaño Ecuador
Pumasqui Kausay Ecuador
Instituro de Estudios Ecológicos del Tercer Mundo IEETM Ecuador
Red de Ambientalistas Comunitarios de El Salvador RACDES El Salvador
SOLdePAZ.Pachakuti Asturies Estado Español
Justicia i Pau Barcelona Espanya
Ecologistas en AcciónEspaña
Salva la Selva España
Red Latina sin fronteras España
Enginyeria sense Fronteres España
Jorge Fonseca, prof Universidad España
A Planeta Euskal Herria (País Vasco)
Maxime Combes France
Marthe Stalpers for stopmines23 France
Juliette Renaud, Amis de la Terre France / Amigos de la Tierra Francia
Lucile Daumas Francia
Internacional Progresista Francia
FIAN International Germany - Switzerland
A4C-Artsforthecommons Italia/Ecuador
Acción ecológica Mexico Mexico
Alberto Arroyo PicardMéxico
Diana GalindoNueva Zelanda
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Palestine
Palestinian Land Defense Coalition Palestine
Palestinian alternative refugee center Palestine
Colectivo Voces Ecológicas COVEC Panamá
Centro de Estudios Heñoi Paraguay
Comuna Caribe Puerto Rico
Alternative palestinien Refugee Center, Geneva -Switzerland
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Justice Team United States of America for headquarters, Sisters based throughout Central and South America
Ana Agostino Uruguay
Diálogo 2000-Jubileo Sur Argentina
Amigos de la Tierra Argentina
Foro Ambiental y Social de la Patagonia Argentina
Multisectorial humedales Argentina
Multisectorial por los Humedales de ParanáArgentina
Asamblea Socioambiental por el Agua ee Guaymallén Mendoza Argentina
Asamblea de vecinos Rawson playa por el no a la megaminería Argentina
Juventud ambientalista Argentina
Salvarnos Salvando Argentina
Rio Santa Cruz Libre Argentina
Movimiento Popular NuestrAmerica Entre Ríos Argentina
Asamblea Socioambiental Cuenca de los Pozuelos Puna jujeña Argentina
Vecinos Autoconvocados de Tilcara y Juella Argentina
Asamblea Ambiental Dean Funes DespiertaArgentina
Periodico El Roble - Información desde las bases Argentina
Familiares de detenidos desaparecidos por razones políticas de MendozaArgentina
PRC ~ Partido por la Revolución y el Comunismo Argentina
Grupo ecomonitor Argentina
Salvarnos Salvando y Jóvenes por el Clima Tucumán Argentina
Asamblea ecoambiental de Lujan Argentina
Observatorio del Agua - Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia - Sede Esquel Argentina
Asamblea por el Agua Godoy Cruz Argentina
Liga Argentina por los Derechos Humanos Argentina
Asamblea Por el Agua de San Rafael, Mendoza Argentina
Periodismo EcológicoArgentina
Movimiento Patagonia Libre Argentina
Interhuertas Argentina
Colectivo reciclador Argentina
Iniciativa Arcoiris de ecología política Argentina
Cámara de Turismo Valle de Uco Argentina
Interhuertas Argentina
Asamblea Socioambiental de Junin de los Andes Argentina
cooperativa ayllu Argentina
Radio Las Cavas - FOLArgentina
Fridays for future El CalafateArgentina
Asamblea el Retamo de Nonogasta Argentina
Encuentro Militante Cachito Fukman. EMCFArgentina
Partido Guevarista Argentina
Juventud del Partido Guevarista Argentina
Movimiento Brazo LibertarioArgentina
Movimiento de Trabajadores en Lucha Argentina
Colectiva Antipatriarcal Brujas en Resistencia Argentina
PSTU Argentina
Movimiento generacional del Tawaintisuyu Argentina
Qomunidad Qhapaj Ñan Argentina
Qomunidad del territorio indígena Pozo del Castaño, dto Figueroa, Santiago del Estero Argentina
Colectivo Memoria MilitanteArgentina
Colectivo Reciclador, CABA Argentina
Observatorio Autónomo de conflictos socioambientales en Argentina, La Plata
Comité de solidaridad latinoamericana, Mendoza Argentina
Rebelión o Extinción Mendoza Argentina
Asamblea de Las Heras por el Agua Pura-Mendoza Argentina
Mujeres del Agua, Mendoza Argentina
Madres de Plaza de Mayo-Línea Fundadora/Asamblea Permanente Derechos Humanos, Provincia de Jujuy-Argentina
CORREPI Argentina
ECOSUR, Ecología, Cultura y Educación desde los Pueblos del Sur Argentina
GEA colectiva ecofeminista Argentina
David Benesdra Argentina
Andrea Araujo Fuentes Argentina
Roxana Goyeneche Argentina
Ana Elisa Hoffmann Argentina
Gastón R. NanArgentina
Maria Carolina Gadano Argentina
Julia Martínez Herrera Argentina
horacio fabian zema Argentina
Tamara Ginzburg Argentina
Carola Besasso Argentina
Carlos Augusto Coll Argentina
María Ileana Iacono Argentina
Miriam AcuñaArgentina
Laura ferradasArgentina
Santiago lisandro Ares Argentina
Maria Carolina Gadano Argentina
Marian Sola Alvarez - UNGS Argentina
Agustina Miranda, Colectivo Reciclador. Argentina
Elias BasualdoArgentina
Patricio Albarracín Argentina
sole jordan argentina
Aguado Ileana, Mendoza Argentina
Simona Claudia Perez, Provincia de Jujuy Argentina
Mariana Lescano
Ezequiel Menevichian Argentina
Celina Font Argentina
Agustín Van Bellingen Argentina
Alicia Young Argentina
Agustina Tarcaya Argentina
Carolina Alvarez - PTS Frente de Izquierda Argentina
Docente Argentina
Alicia Argentina
Sabina MuñozArgentina
Eleonora Gonzalez Videla. Artista Plástica. Embajadora de Paz Argentina
Claudia MarínArgentina
Inés Elías Argentina
Horacio Luis NarvarteArgentina
Maria Laura Valente Argentina
Gonzalez Florencia Argentina
Miriam Solis - Jubilada Conicet y UNPSJB Argentina
Martina Palero Argentina
Asamblea por el Agua San Rafael Argentina
Mirta BusnelliArgentina
Martin Sabio Argentina
Guevara Daniela Milena Argentina
Paula Aguirre Argentina
Ivana Masci Argentina
Analía Esther Tirado Argentina
Diego Cueto, Argentina
María Sol Meotto Murad, Argentina
Ivana Peralts Argentina
Sabrina Melian Argentina
Luisa Vivanco Argentina, Tucuman
Alejandra Dixon Argentina
Fundación Atreuco Argentina
María Dolores Cordoba Argentina
Stella Zeballos Argentina
(1) “Andalgala: Carta abierta a las autoridades de la provincia de Catamarca y de la Nación”, Cortiñas, Pérez Esquivel et al, 12 de abril de 2021.